A Letter to Dance, by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker | News | Rosas
“It is only when this group of people decide to go beyond this passive activity that one can truly speak of ‘dance’. When ‘intention’ and ‘agency’ enter into the picture, choreography as an art form makes its appearance. People treading through a train station on Sunday morning are not necessarily dancing; people treading through a train station singing ‘Singing in the Rain’ might be said to ‘dance’ in a more convincing way.”
I really like this paragraph that address what’s the difference between ‘dance’ to ‘unconscious movement’ of the body. It’s interesting how the author connects people’s daily commute with the concept of ’dance’. We never takes our gathering at the bus station as a form of unconscious choreography until we view the world with the idea of pattern in mind.
Later the author raise a question: “what kind of movement we want to undertake as a society together, that’s an interesting question for both the society and the dancer.