Personal finances ( managing earnings, spendings, investments)
Sitting Meditation
Eating ( cooking, nutrition, buying groceries, eating out, cleaning the dishes - by hand or washing machine , sharing food)
Cleaning ( whipping the floor - by hand, by vacuum, by robot, cleaning the bathroom, storing belongings, washing clothes, interior decoration )
Personal Hygiene ( brushing teeth, showering )
Social ( Dressing up, buying clothing, scheduling cuttings, receiving friends, networking, dating apps, social media profile management, sexual relationships, romantic relationships, make up )
Educational and Professional life ( scheduling meetings, )
Commuting ( To work, to social events, to the doctor)
Health ( doctor visit, therapy, physical exercise )
These patterns are shared by most of us how live in urban situations. Somehow we have to relate to these - even if we relate by being afraid and delegating to others. I feel confused and intrigued by these. Most of these activities tend to have pretty have moralistic views associated with them, how to approach them in ways that allow us to touch the basic reference points of our society with sanity and scale up this sane relationship to household living?
By enumerating these patterns and some of the possible moment to moment aspects of it, some sort of mindfulness instruction might be possible. There is also the possibility of adding some level of breath pacing with light, sound or haptic cues that could help the user relate better with these activities while anchored in the physical discipline of paced breathing.